Tuesday, December 13, 2011

H&M: Dragon Tattoo collection!

I'm not sure how I hadn't heard about this until now
H&M have teamed up with the costume designer of the film The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Trish Summerville, to create a collection based upon the protagonist Lisbeth Salander.
I loved all three films and really just wanted to dress like her
Now I can.
The timing could not be any more perfect
It launches on December 14th, and I'll be in HK on the 15th!
I'm going to run into H&M like Lisbeth Salander would whilst being chased by a Swedish maniac
and holy hell I'm going straight for the leather pants!

Click the heading for the link or click this to view the individual pieces:

I don't know much about the quality, but the prices seem amazingly affordable
Divide by 8 to get the price in AU$

So, I'm seeing $25 for (p)leather trousers (what the actual fuck)
$186 for a real leather jacket
$31 for the denim vest



Going to do some work now
after all, it's my last day of work for the year


Wear + Tear.

P.S. be sure to keep my blog open in a tab while I'm away for plenty of photos and commentary 

Zara HK

The lookbook is awesome
some sick stuff I'd definitely wear
Thursday I'm gonna be in there and they won't know what hit them!


Wear + Tear.

Improv Poetry Tuesday

This is where I type whatever comes into my head and publish it without analyzing the deeper meaning or consequences. Enjoy.


Wear + Tear.

I've got no sympathy
for the symphony
that's playing on my heart strings
my heart stings
I'd like things
to stay the way they are

I've got no melancholy
Just a better body
Than my mind that's spinning records
unwritten records
I'd like things
to change in every way

I've got no time or space
to linger at your place
You're playing with my every want
I need more
I'd like things
to evolve and sway

I've got no syllables
nothing is simple
no consonants or vowels
I'll vow it
I'd like things
to stay the way they are 

Friday, December 9, 2011


Yeah I know, it should say week, not weak, but it's how I feel
it's been a good one, but with work all day and plans every night, I'm exhausted
but that's not to say I regret it
and it's not even over yet!
I can't even bother to write all I've done this week, but it included friends, food,
family, birthdays, new places and music, as well as exciting planning for upcoming projects
among all the mayhem, I still managed to stumble across these great inspirational images
and guess what? this time next week I'll be in Hong Kong Disneyland livin' the dream
photos will be posted along the way :)
but for now, enjoy these images and have a great weekend


Wear + Tear.