I'm not sure how I hadn't heard about this until now
H&M have teamed up with the costume designer of the film The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Trish Summerville, to create a collection based upon the protagonist Lisbeth Salander.
I loved all three films and really just wanted to dress like her
Now I can.
The timing could not be any more perfect
It launches on December 14th, and I'll be in HK on the 15th!
I'm going to run into H&M like Lisbeth Salander would whilst being chased by a Swedish maniac
and holy hell I'm going straight for the leather pants!
Click the heading for the link or click this to view the individual pieces:
I don't know much about the quality, but the prices seem amazingly affordable
Divide by 8 to get the price in AU$
So, I'm seeing $25 for (p)leather trousers (what the actual fuck)
$186 for a real leather jacket
$31 for the denim vest
Going to do some work now
after all, it's my last day of work for the year
Wear + Tear.
P.S. be sure to keep my blog open in a tab while I'm away for plenty of photos and commentary