Are we glad we didnt go - HELL NO! Will we go next year - YOU CAN BET YOUR FREE HOT DOGS ON IT!
Just some things to amp us up for the next round, you can never plan too early...
So for anyone that has only just emerged from their cave dwellings and isnt quite up to speed on BURNING MAN let us give you the low down and a few quick tips on how to get by:
1. Clothes are not mandatory, and nor should they be. YOUR FREE MUTHA F&*KER! LET IT ALL HANG OUT... and take my word for it... most people take this VERY literally..
2. You can not purchase things at BURNING man, things can only be traded. Perhaps this woman decided to trade her clothes for a baby, perhaps Angelina Jolie, or Madonna could give this method a whirl. surely its more cost effective and would avoid all that horrible papaerwork that comes with pakcing a human being in your suitcase and smuggling it through customs.
3. The product of some 48,000 + people turning up to this spot in the desert is BLACK ROCK CITY. Not to be confused with "Paradise city" or "New York City". Yes these too are in america, my little troglodytes but the biggest difefrence is that Paradise City is just a name of a song and New York City is an actual city. Black Rock City however is a haven for extroverts and experimentalists of all sorts. Like a pinata filled with all different candies, but you have to open it and try the candy before you could ever REALLY know what its like!
4. Dont come here expecting to find your typical Glastonbury celebs. Most of these folk are out of work whack jobs. Sorry Leelu but Bruce Willis wont be making it this year, he's too busy saving 20 year old buxom beauties and taking them back to his retirement village for DIE HARD 5!
So are you sold yet? US TOO.... JUMP ABOARD!
Wear + Tear
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